VSIX Winforms Toolpane
The other day I wanted to create a Visual Studio Toolpane window and I wanted to create it using Winforms (by default, the toolpanes use WPF). After much research, I got it to work. These are the steps I followed: I've tested these steps with Visual Studio 2015 & Visual Studio 2017. Create a new Extensibility project In Visual Studio, from the File menu, select New --> Project. In the New Project dialog, one the left, under Visual C# , select Extensibility . On the right, select VSIX Project . Give the project a name. In this example, I'm calling it MySampleVSIXProject Add a Visual Studio Package Right-click the project in Solution Explorer and select Add --> New Item In the Add New Item dialog, on the left, expand Extensibility and select VSPackage . On the right, select Custom Tool Window . Give the tool window a name. In this example, I'm calling it MySampleToolWindow.cs Add a W...