Remember When...
Remember when...
...PDAs used regular batteries (AAs usually)?
...BASIC had line numbers? magazines published type-in programs?
...a box of floppy disks cost $20?
...Atari made computers?
...2400 baud was high speed?
...going online meant dialing up a local BBS?
...hard drives were an optional accessory?
...printer paper came with tractor feed holes?
...computers only ran one program at a time?
...PDAs used regular batteries (AAs usually)?
...BASIC had line numbers? magazines published type-in programs?
...a box of floppy disks cost $20?
...Atari made computers?
...2400 baud was high speed?
...going online meant dialing up a local BBS?
...hard drives were an optional accessory?
...printer paper came with tractor feed holes?
...computers only ran one program at a time?